Liquid carbon dioxide is a good solvent for many lipophilic organic chemistry, and is used to remove caffeine from coffee.
Decaffeination is the act of removing caffeine from coffee beans, cocoa, tea leaves and other caffeine-containing materials.
A fresh batch of green coffee beans are then immersed in the GCE to remove caffeine but retain other components.
The process of filtering the GCE to remove caffeine and immersing the beans is repeated until the beans are 99.9% caffeine free by mass.
It tries to remove most caffeine from things that contain it.
Along with removing caffeine, decaffeination takes away some of the flavor in coffee.
Liquid carbon dioxide is currently used as a solvent to remove caffeine from coffee to make "decaf".
Several methods are used to remove caffeine from its natural sources:
Depending on the underlying cause of the disorder, the individual may need to remove caffeine from their diet, reduce exercise, or gain weight.
It tried to force The Coca-Cola Company to remove caffeine from the Coca-Cola formula, believing that the product was adulterated and misbranded.