There were plans to include the Japanese songs in the music player section, but they were removed due to space restrictions.
Football was established in the late 19th century but was later removed due to lack of sufficient funding from tuitions.
Twenty small wall paints, escaping from the 1949 fire, are in its original place while reproductions replaced the parts that were removed due to damage.
The old bridge was left standing after the works were complete, although the newer, second arch over the railway line was removed due to space constraints.
They were originally capped with pyramid roofs, but these have been removed due to wind damage.
In 2006 the last remaining portable was removed due to budget cuts.
The arch once bore two flagpoles on each of its columns until they were removed due to rot.
Blood and gore effects were removed due to console games requiring a rating.
However, in 2004, this sound effect was removed due to sound restriction on the park.
In the late 1870s, the first floor was removed due to decay, and the upper floor and roof were lowered to the ground level.