After entering data into a GIS, the data usually requires editing, to remove errors, or further processing.
A corrector (English plural correctors) is a person who or object that practices correction, usually by removing or rectifying errors.
Such collating, or "proofreading," whose purpose was to remove "errors," became the reason and justification for the rise of bisexuality.
The actual process of data cleansing may involve removing typographical errors or validating and correcting values against a known list of entities.
A negative part, pars destruens, that removes all prejudices and errors.
Some systems also 'scrub' the memory - periodically reading all addresses and writing back corrected versions if necessary to remove soft errors.
It also enables companies to remove errors from documents after they have been registered.
Mr President, British Labour Members voted against the report because our amendments to remove errors of fact were not carried.
The concert footage has not been studio-corrected to remove errors in sound, unlike other Queen concert video releases.
The goal of this phase is to remove errors using both language and context-sensitive techniques.