In September 2008, the shrink-wrap was removed for the second time from the building.
That's not so clear, to judge by the experience of an American scholar who has just had his appendix removed for the second time.
Last fall it was removed for the first time from a Federal list of troubled housing authorities.
In 1927, the silver cover was removed for the first time in decades.
When the tree reaches 25-30 years of age and about 24in (60cm) in circumference, the cork can be removed for the first time.
Nitrogen and phosphorus would have to be removed for the first time.
So he removed his clothing for the second time that day.
Only then did both of them remove their plastic garb for the last time.
April 26: Terri's feeding tube is removed for the first time.
October 15: Terri's feeding tube is removed for the second time.