By the action of heat, charring removes hydrogen and oxygen from the solid, so that the remaining char is composed primarily of carbon.
Methanogens play the vital ecological role in anaerobic environments of removing excess hydrogen and fermentation products that have been produced by other forms of anaerobic respiration.
Octane grade of gasoline can also be improved by catalytic reforming, which involves removing hydrogen from hydrocarbons producing compounds with higher octane ratings such as aromatics.
Methanogenesis-similar to treating wood in a pressure cooker- results in methane being produced, removing hydrogen, some carbon, and some further oxygen.
Ammonia removes hydrogen from surfaces, forming ammonium, and can lead to cell destruction through its conflict with cellular lipid membranes.
This is because chlorine is able to remove hydrogen, which would otherwise be used in the compounds that form tar.
Methanogenesis effectively removes the semi-final products of decay: hydrogen, small organics, and carbon dioxide.
Ventilation fans are used to extract hydrogen released by the cells and catalytic converters are placed strategically through the submarine which remove hydrogen from the air by recombining it with oxygen to form water.
With another researcher, Birgit Vennesland, he succeeded in showing how the enzyme worked to remove hydrogen from the alcohol, a critical event in the process of breaking it down.
Potentially combustible and corrosive gases can be generated while at the same time, chemical reactions can remove hydrogen, and these reactions can be enhanced by the presence of radiation.