Processing fruits when canning or making into juices may add sugars and remove nutrients.
Vegetation also provides water quality benefits by removing soluble nutrients through uptake.
The milling and polishing processes both remove important nutrients.
The acidic rainfall removes important nutrients from the soil and could also hinder photosynthesis.
Strip-mining removed organic matter and nutrients from the soil, which left white sand, barren of vegetation.
It has been estimated that removing nutrients from discharges at the 44 treatment plants could cost as much as $6 billion.
The hydroponically grown plants remove nutrients and most of the remaining pollutants in the water.
This helps remove nutrients at the peak of the hay growing season.
Rhizofiltration - filtering water through a mass of roots to remove toxic substances or excess nutrients.
Many consumers prefer unrefined sesame oil due to their belief that the refining process removes important nutrients.