Rendered redundant by the car ferry revolution, she was sold to Italian owners in 1973.
The great train-shed was rendered redundant, with some seventy acres of tracks and yards now provided below street level.
One's sense of smell, always deeply involved in the joy of the delicatessen, has been rendered virtually redundant.
The 707-220 was rendered redundant by the release of the turbofan-powered 707-120B, which had even greater power along with much lower fuel consumption.
Tamara would find herself in the carnival ring, be seduced by Lucifer, then awake again, being rendered redundant.
Rendered redundant by the car ferry revolution, she was sold for a new career as a floating restaurant on the Thames, under the name Hispaniola.
The settlement was often flooded and was rendered redundant by the construction of the first large bridge over the Danube before disappearing completely.
Because Ubuntu now incorporates a "free software only" installer option, the Gobuntu project was rendered redundant in early 2008.
The group would continue to exist until 1968 when it was rendered redundant through the takeover by North Vietnam's army of the war inside Laos.
Lewis said he thought this afternoon's debate would still go ahead, although Ed Miliband's motion has now been rendered redundant.