At the same time the Lehi also renewed its attacks against the British.
But while officials said the rule had little bearing on the current case, people from many quarters renewed their calls against the 48-hour rule.
Before he left the capital, he renewed the accusations against Wang.
Two years ago, she renewed her highly public campaign against Mr. Gross.
At the end of hostilities, Brown renewed his efforts against the slave trade.
"We must go and help him," she declared, renewing her struggles against the stubborn vines.
At first light the Chinese renewed their attack in the west, against the 3rd Battalion.
He added: "We renew our fight against those who seek to terrorize us in you names.
Banks in turn had to give up any hope of renewing his campaign against Shreveport.
However, in the late 1930s, the Soviets renewed their attacks against Church.