If the other renewable alternatives are too warm during the summer or too expensive, cold storage can be investigated.
This raises the cost of coal, oil, and gas, encouraging greater energy efficiency and the development of renewable alternatives.
"This is happening without any mention of conservation and with little regard for the renewable alternatives."
Nuclear power is absolutely unnecessary - there are effective clean green renewable alternatives.
These biodegradable, economical and renewable alternatives are used especially under organic farming systems.
This has not been realised, but the renewable alternatives have more control by the public permission system since 2010.
Transport biofuels are a renewable alternative to limited resources of fossil fuels.
Connection costs alone can determine whether any particular renewable alternative is economically sensible.
Instead of this, we have before us a unique opportunity to develop durable, renewable 'green alternatives'.
Japan is a case in point: having pledged to phase out nuclear power, it will be hard-pressed to find enough renewable alternatives.