Amyris is commercializing these products both as renewable ingredients in cosmetics, flavors, fragrances, polymers, lubricants and consumer products, and also as renewable diesel and jet fuels.
Qualifying biofuels include any diesel fuel made from biomass feedstocks including biodiesel (mono-alkyl esters) and non-ester renewable diesel (cellulosic diesel).
Produced diesel fuel is known as green diesel or renewable diesel.
The diesel fuel that is produced has various names including green diesel or renewable diesel.
Hydrogenation-derived renewable diesel (HDRD) is the product of fats or vegetable oils-alone or blended with petroleum-that have been refined in an oil refinery.
Others extended were credits for biodiesel and renewable diesel, refined coal, manufacture of energy-efficient homes, and properties featuring refueling for alternate vehicles.
Free of the land and resource constraints that hinder biofuels, Joule will directly target fossil fuel replacement with unprecedented volumes of renewable diesel, at a fraction of the land use incurred by current methods.
It may also be called renewable diesel, hydrotreated vegetable oil or hydrogen-derived renewable diesel.
Due to the chemistry of the process, the renewable diesel is pure alkane and contains no aromatics, oxygen or sulfur.
The construction of this facility that will nearly triple the amount of renewable diesel produced domestically.