So the fact it came out so positive is (at first glance) more interesting than surveys commissioned by the renewables industry.
It is producing a stream of graduates who are working internationally in all aspects of the renewables industry.
The FIT isn't supposed to permanently hand cash to the renewables industry even when they're producing a large proportion of the country's energy at an efficient price.
Green campaigners and the renewables industry were relieved, however, that the cuts announced on Thursday were not much worse, as many had feared.
Similarly, it will kill the renewables industry!!!
CAAT argues that the valuable engineering skills of arms industry workers could be redeployed in the growing renewables industry.
The Chancellor should have channelled cash into clean technologies, energy efficiency projects and support for the renewables industry.
Both the US and China are growing their renewables industries very rapidly.
Its renewables industry supports 340,000 jobs and replaces €5bn (£4.3bn) worth of energy imports per annum.
As the article says, its renewables industry supports 340,000 jobs and replaces €5bn (£4.3bn) worth of energy imports per annum.