Many of the fair vendors sell or rent costumes for all ages and types.
As you'll recall from our last meeting at Bert Clock's house, I'm not adverse to hiring actors or renting costumes if it suits my needs.
No one is quite sure what will happen to the Joffrey Ballet's plans to rent costumes for a scheduled performance of Graham's "Appalachian Spring" in October.
So the idea was, a friend and I would rent costumes.
Since 1981 the shop, which stocks 14,000 items, has been renting and selling costumes, masks, wigs, theatrical makeup and much more.
Besides renting and selling costumes, she designs school and business mascots.
Csonka hired locals as chorus members and rented costumes from Stivanello.
White rented costumes, photographed himself and showed it to Sanders who was attracted to the idea.
Many movies have very small costume budgets, which means that instead of making all of the costumes, the designer is forced to rent costumes from a costume house.
And her first show, if I'm not mistaken, was "The King and I." And we still are renting costumes that she made 33 years ago.