Norwalk Community rented space in a former factory until 1991, when local businesses and politicians finally won a new $23 million campus.
"Last year, it did not rent until April, and the price had been dropped from $45,000 to $40,000 for the season."
A member of the project team, Bill Wolf, then rented the machine for a dollar a year until 1973.
However, Thomas appears to have continued to rent the property until 1671.
In 1927, the farm was closed and the buildings rented for storage space until 1965.
His father and two uncles started the business in 1920 but didn't begin renting the stock until the 50's.
If you're talking houses, kid, maybe you should just rent until you and Indigo come to some decision.
They stayed and rented an apartment from late 1970 until mid-1972.
The property came into the village's hands in 1989, and tenants rented their houses until this summer.
Perhaps we could rent a cottage on a lake somewhere until the fifteenth of July.