A rent-regulated tenant usually has to spend at least half the year in an apartment to make it a primary residence.
The eight apartments are among more than 20 in the building with rent-regulated tenants, officials said.
Five hundred rent-regulated tenants in the complex, which has 747 garden apartments, elected not to buy.
Some of the 11 existing rent-regulated tenants are expected to meet the income requirements.
With rent-regulated tenants, however, things are not so simple.
The laws that cover rent-regulated tenants give them the right to working kitchen appliances.
In most cases, he said, passing along such fees would not be permitted for rent-regulated tenants.
And certainly any apartment that does not have a rent-regulated tenant should be sold.
If there are rent-regulated tenants the staff changes could be an illegal reduction in their services.
And what happens if there are no rent-regulated tenants in the building who want a parking space?