In several publications, he challenges the belief that the elimination of rents, corruption and rent-seeking behaviour as well as democratisation and decentralisation represent the precondition for successful development.
Instead, he emphasises the importance of transformation potential, that is the capacity of states to transform rent-seeking behaviour into uses which are conducive to growth.
It studies questions such as how monopoly, rent-seeking behavior, and externalities should impact government policy.
In 2011, FreedomWorks ran a number of campaigns targeted at corporate rent-seeking behavior.
An argument raged about the distinctions between profit-seeking and rent-seeking behavior.
In the long term, however, abundant natural resources pose a challenge because they lead to rent-seeking behaviour.
This law has made competent Libyan partners in all sectors a highly valuable commodity for foreign investors, providing ample fuel for rent-seeking behavior in many sectors of the economy.
The lack of transparency and clearly delineated lines of decision-making within Libyan institutions have fostered an environment in which graft and rent-seeking behavior are common.
For one thing, it could absorb a lot of expert resources and the policy gains might not outweigh the costs of investigation in many cases: it could also encourage rent-seeking behaviour.
Corruption and rent-seeking behavior.