Rentals will range from $27 to $40 a square foot.
Rentals would range from $750 to $1,750 a month depending on apartment size.
Rentals range from $250 to $530 per day, depending on boat size.
Rentals range from $65 to $100 for 24 hours.
The rentals range from one to three bedrooms, with rents of $700 to $3,000 a month.
Two-family homes, when they become available, sell for about $170,000 to $250,000, while rentals range from $700 to $800.
Rentals range from $70 to $160, double occupancy per night, $10 extra for each additional person.
The project is now called Water Ridge, and monthly rentals will range from $1,645 to $3,995.
In Lavallette, for example, the weekly rental of a summer house can range from $450 to $1,500, depending on size and location.
Rentals range from $50 to $100 a day.