Only the most capable went to sea; the others worked in smithies, cooked, cared for the stock, repaired ships and small boats, built houses, fished.
There are weather workers on ships, fixers who repair boats and buildings, entertainers, and court sorcerers.
Attempts to repair boats in the field are met with varying amounts of success.
"And they had just repaired their nets and boats," she said, sadly.
The inhabitants are mainly involved in growing rice, fishing, and repairing boats.
In late November 1609, they begin repairing smaller boats enough to take everyone off the island and continue to Jamestown.
While continuing that mission, she put into Danang on 10 March and spent the next two weeks repairing boats as well.
Commercial fishing was a thriving business, and many shipyards were used to repair broken boats.
Robertson continued working at the small workshop for several years, for the most part repairing boats.
They are used for building and repairing ships and boats.