He could take time between jobs to deal with his health issues or to repair his image of being a vagabond coach.
The ministry was forced to spend $1.2 million to repair the country's image as a safe destination after the riots last fall.
He was also hoping to repair the reformers' bruised image in the West.
The Democrats also quickly realized they had to repair their candidate's image.
He had certainly repaired his image with this crew.
And now with the case nearly over, he will need to spend time repairing his image.
He returned three years ago to clean up the institution and repair its image after a cheating scandal.
In so doing, the owners also promised to repair the sport's shoddy image.
For any company trying to repair its image, any bit of bad news hurts.
Now, agents and some large insurers have joined to spend millions on an advertising campaign to repair their image.