Current plans call for a mix of public and private funds to be used to restore the masonry and repair the roof and windows.
Repair most awning and hopper windows by the same methods.
There's no glass to repair windows, no plaster for the walls.
He is repairing windows and considering turning one section into a wine cellar.
Ms. Teplitzky arranged for a contractor to repair the walls, windows and some lights.
Many of the occupiers were blue-collar tradespeople who set to work cleaning the building, repairing light fixtures and windows, painting peeling walls.
'He used to repair windows in our village.'
In Hope and Glory, the song is sung by the character Dawn while her family is repairing windows broken during an air raid.
The building's contractor, Restoration Management Services, specializes in repairing wooden windows.
Before the advent of adhesives, the only way to repair such windows was to use more lead.