Therefore, it works very well for low- and middle-size volume production and in repair workshops.
They were demolished in 1957 together with the repair workshops, and replaced by sidings for the storage of electric multiple units.
It even has an interesting top-floor repair workshops and remarkably there seems to be no sales pressure.
It stood empty until 1885, when the west wing was used as a repair workshop and rum store.
These building served as dwellings offices, a canteen, a stable and a repair workshop.
There is a car-body repair workshop there but no other amenities.
Some choose not to hold jobs and instead volunteer or teach repair workshops for other freegans.
Qualitative selection criteria have become quantitative, and the number of repair workshops for all the large makes of car has declined by several dozen.
The Commission also needs to get used to the idea that this House cannot be used as a repair workshop for bad directives.
Until 1945, a total of 11 tram routes, three premises, two repair workshop were built.