But typically the repayment obligation is a fraction of the profit that can be realized in the sale.
(Across the entire microfinance industry, recipients of loans meet their repayment obligations more than 95 percent of the time.)
Mr. Maxwell said that he has no repayment obligations until next October and that he is in no financial jeopardy.
One advantage of Plus loans is that if the borrower dies or becomes disabled, the repayment obligation ends.
Often, there is a repayment obligation with mezzanine financing.
This second guarantee has become a requirement, American officials noted, after the difficulties Soviets have faced in recent months in meeting some repayment obligations.
What has to be worked out, they say, is a procedure to determine which of the many repayment obligations should get priority.
Unlike a mortgage loan, no funds are transferred when the property is sold - only the repayment obligation is transferred.
Is it really so honest to saddle our children with enormous repayment obligations because we refuse to assume this responsibility?
One would be to assert that the repayment obligation was remote and simply disclose the specifics without putting the amount on its balance sheet as a debt.