Now, when that same fate is being repeated with María and after many years of searching for her, destiny has intervened to bring father and daughter together.
Physicians who specialize in prostate problems said yesterday that they hoped Proscar would allow many men to avoid a common form of surgery that costs $7,000 to $8,000 and is sometimes repeated after five years.
Lewis thus became the first long-jumper in the Olympics to repeat after four years.
We have tried this before and have thirty long years of experience in union with Somalia, we have benefited nothing from that union and not ready to repeat that experience after thirty years of nothing but suffering.
Screening should be repeated after three years.
This is not actually possible for the real Moon: the dates should repeat only after 19 years.
The same tactical situation repeating itself after forty years?
He said that a 1991 study of 600 men treated at his clinic found that about 8 percent repeated their crimes after five years.
After 19 years the lunations should fall the same way in the solar years, so the epact should repeat after 19 years.
He did not realize that the dates of the Alexandrian Easter repeated after 532 years, despite his apparent knowledge of the Victorian 532-year 'cycle', indicating only that Easter did not repeat after 95 years.