Never repeat the allegations).
There have been repeated allegations that his party, called Rally for the Republic, accepted huge bribes and kickbacks when he was mayor of Paris.
In 1979 Lovelace underwent a polygraph examination in which she repeated allegations she made against Traynor.
Another of Mia's children, 14-year-old Moses, repeated allegations that Allen had sexually abused his seven-year-old adopted daughter Dylan.
It repeated allegations that some casinos and their owners were involved in illicit acts.
Mr. Holomisa's sin was to continue to repeat allegations of corruption against other party officials.
But among some elected officials, particularly Democrats, the main issues have been repeated allegations of bureaucratic incompetence, cover-ups and political influence.
An article in the Oxford student newspaper repeating allegations about John Major and caterer Clare Latimer.
The article repeated allegations by disaffected former members of the People's Temple which had been published in an American magazine called New West.
Marcus Schloss said the new charges repeated allegations made by the S.E.C. last February.