There was no independent means of confirming those claims, which repeated earlier unconfirmed reports from Pakistani intelligence and other sources.
But since its arrival in the town, there have repeated reports of demonstrations aimed at intimidating witnesses.
However, there have been repeated reports that Sadat was assassinated by a plot in which Mubarak was complicit.
Last week there were repeated reports of skirmishes among different armies, but the incidents remain murky.
There were repeated reports over two decades of projects that were to include her, but, for various reasons, none ever materialized.
The newspaper also repeated reports that Mr. Waite had been wired with electronic devices to pinpoint kidnappers' hideouts for the Americans.
There have been repeated reports of insurgent groups in Manipur kidnapping children to bolster their ranks with child soldiers.
Meanwhile the radars reported very faithfully, but they only repeated previous reports.
Lately, in particular, there have been repeated reports about the huge influx of illegal migrants trying to reach the richer countries of Europe and North America.
Since then, there have been repeated reports of harassment and killings of Hazaras by Taliban forces.