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Let X be some repeatable process, and i be some point in time after the start of that process.
This way predictable and repeatable process is possible and quality tablets or pellets can be produced using tabletting or spheronization equipment.
The production batches were small and handmade, demanding a more streamlined and repeatable process.
The BORO method is a simple, repeatable process for developing formal ontologies.
Induction brazing is a very repeatable process because variables such as time, temperature, alloy, fixturing, and part positioning are very controllable.
The first dimension for institutionalizing BTM principles is a set of robust, flexible and repeatable processes.
In project management, process management is the use of a repeatable process to improve the outcome of the project.
If we are successful here, then we will have recorded measurements and a repeatable process to prove our theory.
Doing this accurately requires well controlled and repeatable processes (including calibration), in order to ensure that the color profiles continue to represent the devices involved.
A decades-long goal has been to find repeatable, predictable processes that improve productivity and quality.