They are a direct equivalent of inside calipers and require the operator to develop the correct feel to obtain repeatable results.
For a start, you can carefully control the conditions to get more repeatable results.
It is assumed that evaluating any given set of circumstances under a legal test will lead to an unambiguous and repeatable result.
The operator sets a pre-programmed number of passes for a repeatable and controlled result.
Swern oxidation has been used, but a large excess of the oxidant had to be employed, and in some cases did not produce repeatable results.
These can be applied to the specimen automatically by a motorized system and produce much more repeatable results than the traditional clip-on devices.
Test arenas vary between competitions, though they are composed of obstacles designed to allow for repeatable results.
The benchmark I ran is fairly old, but seemed to produce reliable and repeatable results.
Chemical procedures must be standardized to allow for repeatable results.
While this will produce repeatable results, such a 'free-space' measurement is not representative of performance in a room, especially a small room.