He fought repeated battles with the Australian Taxation Office over his corporate taxes.
These repeated battles and changes of control consumed a large amount of resources, damaged crops, and took quite a toll on the castle and its inhabitants.
The rule of Vikramaditya, though marred by repeated battles for supremacy in the south, was a glorious era in Kannada literary history.
Newell fought repeated battles with alcohol abuse throughout his life.
Because lawsuits are relatively rare in Japan, his repeated battles with the Ministry of Education were especially conspicuous.
Since then, Mr. Berlusconi has issued repeated battle cries for fresh national elections.
Our weaponry was designed for flight into other spaces- not for taking on all of Grand Fleet in repeated battles.
The Devas under Indra cannot overcome them despite repeated battles.
The two factions have engaged in repeated battles for the last three years for control of Lebanon's Shiite community of one million.
They say that with the graduate faculty facing a $4 million deficit, Dr. Prewitt has lost repeated battles for resources.