The songs of these birds are three or more repeated notes, sometimes with whistles or bubbling sounds, and are typically given at dawn or dusk.
The song begins with a repeated note played by guitar, until (0:13), when a soft riff based on the G minor chord is played.
A sustained open interval, a swoop, a repeated note or a rhythmic flurry can become the foundation for rhapsodic invention and a final exuberant release.
These are characterised by simple gracings, used sparingly, mostly either for rhythmic emphasis or to separate repeated notes.
The songs and calls of antbirds are generally composed of repeated simple uncomplicated notes.
One of these comes near the end, in the rapid repeated notes of massed trumpets, again Ravelian but appropriate to the urgent stage action.
Further, the Dixon music tends to avoid repeated notes, and to move predominantly stepwise or in thirds rather than in wider intervals.
Movement 4 begins after movement 3 reduces its texture to one glockenspiel player, playing a single repeated note from the original pattern.
Liszt's version of "Erlkonig" flattened the percussive repeated notes and dulled their sharp points.
The primary melody is based on a repeated note and modal motive.