Finally, I understood my mother's reasons for repeatedly admonishing me for spending more and more time at Aaron's house.
The woman followed her son as he roamed around the room, repeatedly admonishing him with "Please, Brian, you must remember to shout quietly."
One year later, in Beezy Bear, he repeatedly admonishes Humphrey the Bear "You bathe too much!"
She repeatedly admonished her to be more careful, repeatedly asked for reassurance that he would be all right.
Indeed the intelligentsia repeatedly admonished the working-class for not appreciating the fact that dissociation from Britain was, according to them, the only way to improve the situation in Scotland.
His constant working leaves him little time for sleep, a point his mother repeatedly admonishes him about along with driving an old, poorly-maintained automobile.
He repeatedly admonishes Juna for trying to fight the Raaja ("Why do you kill?")
Rather than speaking louder as some of us asked, however, Mr. Miller repeatedly admonished the talkers to be quiet.
Nelson repeatedly admonished Doug Christie and Monty Williams, both of whom are competing for the backup small forward slot, in the 110-88 victory.