And yet his bracing new book about the disasters of political correctness and multiculturalism leaves little doubt that in his career as a journalist, Henry had been repeatedly ambushed by reality.
The operation was a failure; GAP 2 was repeatedly ambushed along the Pavie Track and it reached Muong Pon after the garrison had been overrun.
Over the past few months, Canadian troops were repeatedly ambushed on the old road, which twisted and turned through the hamlets and walled farmsteads.
Such interfactional clashes were the subject of several complaints by Sihanouk, who charged over the years that Khmer Rouge guerrillas had "repeatedly ambushed and killed [his] troops."
In July 1957, the Sultan's forces were withdrawing, but they were repeatedly ambushed, sustaining heavy casualties.
"This should only happen once," he said of the reports that American forces had been repeatedly ambushed by Iraqis pretending to surrender.
Using highly effective hit-and-run, ambush and divide-and-conquer tactics, Scar repeatedly ambushed and destroyed Colonial viper patrols during mining operations in an asteroid field.
Despite being repeatedly ambushed by Bengali forces, Jamalpur fell on April 14 and Mymensingh by April 22.
Pakistani troop convoys were repeatedly ambushed, but these only delayed the Pakistani advance temporarily.
Fierce combat took place along the grand canal at Mount street, where British troops were repeatedly ambushed and suffered heavy casualties.