He has harshly and repeatedly assailed that decision in the past.
They had repeatedly assailed the project, saying that the company concentrated far too many resources and assets in one place.
The rear of the column was repeatedly assailed by tanks and infantry.
He has repeatedly assailed the Federal welfare law for reducing or eliminating many benefits for legal immigrants.
During the cold war, the peace group was repeatedly assailed by conservatives as one of Moscow's pawns and apologists.
The Allied armour repeatedly assailed the position from the north and east, and were met be determined, accurate fire.
Texaco has repeatedly assailed his takeover proposal as "Icahn's so-called offer."
And yet Mr. Bloomberg has been repeatedly assailed as being insensitive to those families left behind.
Mr. Cortines, belittled and repeatedly assailed by the Mayor, has already announced he is leaving as chancellor.
There have been months of nasty pretrial battling in which prosecution and defense lawyers have repeatedly assailed each other's motives and methods.