The image is employed repeatedly throughout the musical "Kiss of the Spider Woman," as the title promises.
Casa Batlló's façade is covered with the bits of broken plate and tile, a decorative technique called trencadis that Gaudí repeatedly employed.
As a matter of fact, the basic concept of the cleric's strategy offered nothing new because it had been repeatedly employed by the Byzantines in the past with considerable success.
A manometric apparatus that can be easily and repeatedly employed to perform calibrations has been developed by the CCGG group.
Most important, it helps explain why, outside of Eastern Europe, American pronouncements about spreading democracy and freedom, as repeatedly employed by the Bush administration, are met with widespread incredulity.
Three other draft guidelines are intended to appeal to Iran: an international tribunal to determine causes of the war, a reconstruction fund and a ban on the use of chemical weapons, which Iraq has employed repeatedly.
The euphemism, 'small-circle election' is also repeatedly employed to refer to what in reality is a thoroughly undemocratic process.
It could not be employed repeatedly, nor would its use work to the emperor's advantage.
From December 1588 he was employed repeatedly by the Privy Council to examine witnesses, and in 1590 was charged with interrogating Sir Thomas Fitzherbert.
If you check the background dossiers provided to each of you, you will note that Stanway is a professional adventurer who has been repeatedly employed by the Central Intelligence Agency.