The city has repeatedly fined Prison Health for incomplete filings, but never for treatment that resulted in injury or death.
Hexagon was fined repeatedly for chemical spills and was ordered to install water-monitoring wells, although it is not clear if the company ever did so.
And he worked for a company that the state had repeatedly fined for failing to inspect its equipment.
Romanian television and radio stations were repeatedly fined for playing some of their videos/songs and two videos were banned outright.
The Department of Energy has repeatedly fined contractors for lax controls over uranium and plutonium handled at its weapons plants.
Their relationship became unglued, partly because Wheatley was fined repeatedly for tardiness to team meetings.
Fined repeatedly for missing conditioning sessions, verbally jousting with Brown on a daily basis, Iverson seemed to be on his way out.
He cited a graffiti-marred Pic and Pay store, across from an elementary school, whose owner has been repeatedly fined.
This lady was an ardent covenanter and her husband was repeatedly fined for her attendance at conventicles.
Federal regulators had repeatedly fined the plant, noting faulty equipment and procedures and a management style that stifled whistle blowers.