In the past months, the Government has cracked down on the press and repeatedly harassed opposition leaders.
The female employees alleged Gutierrez, who was paid $87,500 a year, repeatedly sexually harassed them.
Diderot was harassed repeatedly by the police, and was even arrested.
Justine's boss repeatedly harasses her to write better ad copy.
Also in the episode, he is repeatedly harassed by a man named George - his character's name on Seinfeld.
The manager was moved to another position, where, she said, she was repeatedly harassed by her new supervisor.
Manning, not sacked but repeatedly harassed and knocked down, completed 23 of 42 passes for 214 yards.
"Another stringer fled Ethiopia because she was being repeatedly harassed, even after she stopped working for the service."
Mizushima was repeatedly harassed by the head employees at Aniplex to speed up work on the storyboards.
He was once arrested for hiding a runaway slave, and was repeatedly harassed by supporters of slavery.