Never asked about her own work, Mrs. Olorunyomi was repeatedly interrogated about her husband's activities and whereabouts.
Jailed without being officially charged and denied visitors or legal counsel, Bok is treated poorly and interrogated repeatedly.
Cohen was repeatedly interrogated and tortured.
This student, who attended demonstrations but was not important in the protest movement, has been interrogated repeatedly by the authorities, and his career is in doubt.
He was repeatedly interrogated by the police.
Torture consisted of having water poured over the head, around which a cloth was draped, bringing the interrogated repeatedly close to suffocation (this is today called waterboarding).
Interrogated repeatedly regarding his intelligence work and his connection with Guy Burgess, he continued to deny that he had acted as a Soviet agent.
She claimed no knowledge of the matter but was repeatedly interrogated and beaten.
She said the police repeatedly interrogated, beat and detained her and then began to harass her father and friends.
Yousef was held for 72 hours and repeatedly interrogated, but INS holding cells were overcrowded.