The OSHA investigation also found that the company repeatedly misled safety officials on its number of work-related illnesses or injuries since 1984.
While dealing with accusations that Prudential insurance agents and securities brokers repeatedly misled customers for more than a decade, Mr. Ryan has cut the company's work force by 40,000 people and sold several units.
In his eagerness to stay in the rotation, he had repeatedly misled Gardenhire and Anderson about the condition of his left elbow, leaving them feeling duped and subjected to national criticism.
In addition, the administration has repeatedly misled Congress and the public about the extent of the spying, conceding new methods of investigation only after information is leaked.
"I feel that I was misled repeatedly yesterday."
The F.B.I. has acknowledged that in the early 1980's, it was repeatedly misled by Mr. Varelli, a native of El Salvador.
He discussed previously secret messages and other contacts with Iraq aimed, he said, at saving the man who had repeatedly misled and betrayed him.
In a recent interview, Senator John Kerry, a Massachusetts Democrat who won his party's New Hampshire primary on Tuesday, said he had been "repeatedly misled" about the evidence by a number of administration officials.
Shenkman demonstrates how the political-media complex is reinforced as "politicians have repeatedly misled voters" by "dumbing down of American politics via marketing, spin machines, and misinformation."
All that does is add to evidence that the Bush administration knowingly and repeatedly misled Americans about the intelligence on Iraq.