The village was raided repeatedly in a process of ethnic cleansing.
In reality, the area became a no-man's land and was raided repeatedly by both sides.
Between the 7th and the 9th centuries, Muslim invaders repeatedly raided the city.
MacLeod's offices were repeatedly raided and he was beaten by police.
A third repeatedly raided another herd, killing 26.
The country was repeatedly raided on its frontiers.
In 1947 the camp was repeatedly raided by British military personnel in a search for war criminals hiding among the population.
Over the years, Governor Cuomo has repeatedly raided the fund in order to help balance state budgets.
Throughout the war, American forces have repeatedly raided Hawija trying to stamp out the insurgency there.
Such raids never kill the queen of suitable host Formica species, so the colony can be raided repeatedly over the summer.