Ms. Holtzman, who repeatedly received similar assurances at her afternoon stops, seemed visibly cheered.
He repeatedly received orders to obtain the insertion of irritating articles in the 'Correspondent'.
He tells the paper he never saw it, and that he repeatedly received assurances that there was no hazard of this sort.
This works best with spam messages that you receive repeatedly.
He also repeatedly received threats on the phone.
Pregnant animals repeatedly receiving high doses of manganese bore malformed offspring significantly more often compared to controls.
He repeatedly receives messages telling him to tell people about how to deal with their death, but he never tells anybody.
He repeatedly received testimonials from his pupils, and his bust was presented to University College.
Milgram repeatedly received offers of assistance and requests to join his staff from former participants.
Sorry for shouting, but I have posted / emailed repeatedly and never received an answer.