A single piece of carbon paper can be repeatedly reused until the impression grows too light.
Environmentalists favor such action, because the plastic would be repeatedly reused instead of ending up in a product like carpeting that would become waste when worn out.
They typically spend only a few weeks at any given roosting site, before moving on, although individual roosts may be reused repeatedly over the course of several decades.
Rammed-earth buildings reduce the need for lumber because the formwork is removable and can be repeatedly reused.
And the percentage could rise if paper is repeatedly reused.
For efficiency purposes, the heated gases from initial chemical reactions would be reused repeatedly to help process new shale.
They are intended to be reused repeatedly to replace the use of hundreds of HDPE plastic bags.
Below is an example of a queue in an instrument sequencer in which two steps are reused repeatedly without being fully described each time.
The painting has been reused repeatedly, for instance to promote a Canadian musical.
A master stock (Chinese: 鹵水) refers to a stock which is repeatedly reused to poach or braise meats.