But sales never took off, even though the starting price of $1,000 was repeatedly slashed, to $299 last year.
Yet someone had taken a knife and slashed through the man's face repeatedly.
But they still look for quality and are put off stores that repeatedly slash prices.
Her daughter was slashed repeatedly when she tried to help her mother, the police said.
For example, one does not slash repeatedly with a foil, and hits should register immediately without delay.
A chaser held him at arm's length, repeatedly slashing his chest with a knife.
At a glance, I thought her throat appeared to have been slashed repeatedly with a half-sharp knife.
Munoz fell with him, on top, slashing repeatedly at Bolan's face and neck.
The first period continued in similar fashion with both teams repeatedly slashing their opponents and Canada emerging with a 3-1 lead.
Her throat appeared to have been slashed repeatedly with a half-sharp knife, because the wound was ragged.