Sehorn, repeatedly targeted by the Ravens, gave up a long touchdown pass.
The Bund, as well as other leftwing groups in Latvia at the time, was repeatedly targeted by far right elements.
During the period of 1948 to 1952, Deshpande was repeatedly targeted by preventive arrests.
They argue that academic communities are repeatedly targeted for repression due to their ability to shape and control the flow of information.
One spot, repeatedly targeted, had a massive cone of masonry that seemed to have been torn through a good five meters.
Many of the unlocked buildings are in high crime areas and have been repeatedly targeted by serial rapists.
Morgnshtern was repeatedly targeted by the Polish authorities; between 1929 and 1934, 23 local Morgnshtern branches were closed down.
Greenpeace has repeatedly targeted the French nuclear industry over safety concerns.
However, check the security situation before visiting - pilgrims have been repeatedly targeted by militants.
During the Death, around the world, Allied and Warsaw Pact military facilities had been targeted repeatedly.