It shows plays from professional troupes and repertory groups, as well as some comedy acts.
The company is one of America's largest black repertory groups, with an annual budget of $2.5 million.
Harold and Susan Pantely have run the repertory group here for 20 years.
It was not a road company, but a repertory group called the Dane Players.
What we all came to was that to change our basic identity as a repertory group wasn't going to do us any good.
He described it as, "an anthology series, to all intents and purposes, using our characters almost like a repertory group."
Dameronia, which will perform for half the show, doesn't play like a repertory group.
Shepard soon dropped out to join a touring repertory group, the Bishop's Company.
She owned two of the new theaters near the marina and had been responsible for the formation of at least three different local repertory groups.
At the same time, he would join Charles Laughton's theatrical repertory group.