And the taped sound collages by James Lo that accompanied them emphasized repetitive noises.
Then it made a curious repetitive grunting noise.
The noises did not seem to botherAurelia,but Ned had never been able to stand repetitive noises unless they were regular.
The larger one, the female, was lying flat and making a repetitive wailing noise.
And there's the repetitive noise - a bit like the distinctive clicking of the cube but even louder.
A repetitive noise.
Tanimbar Corella chicks make a repetitive soft howling/screeching noise (producer calls) when they are hungry.
Commercial applications of 3-D noise reduction include the protection of aircraft cabins and car interiors, but in these situations, protection is mainly limited to the cancellation of repetitive (or periodic) noise such as engine-, propeller- or rotor-induced noise.
Doerr doubled up over his hand and made a repetitive grunting noise.
Sounds came squeezing out of his mouth, a terrifying repetitive noise - "Hrrak!