I asked them why they didn't invent a machine to speed up all the repetitive work.
But already, she says, her right arm hurts so much from the repetitive work that she sometimes cannot move it at all.
They were all low-grade M types, short on brains and good only for simple, repetitive work.
In the old days such states were part of the boring and repetitive work most people had to endure.
It was repetitive work: they removed 243 bolts in all.
After almost four hours of tedious, repetitive work, he was becoming fatigued.
These costs were attributed to job dissatisfaction caused by boring, repetitive work.
Injuries from years of repetitive work are particularly hard to dispute.
Not only did it upset the neighborhood, but there was a financial price for repetitive work.
He found the repetitive work of teaching onerous and dull.