Lieutenant Rupert George of Vulture replaced Evans as captain of Charlestown.
Kotite also suggested that Alfred Oglesby, a fourth-year player who signed with the Jets as a free agent last year, could replace Evans at tackle.
On April 16, 2000, the team replaced Evans with Rob Manriquez.
Adam Bisits is the President of the Society, replacing Evans, who stepped down in 2010.
These ideas were scrapped when Richard Donner replaced Evans.
In the offseason, the Nuggets replaced Evans with the relatively unknown Jeff Bzdelik.
On 2 February 2013 Bowen replaced Evans as Minister for Tertiary Education, Skills, Science and Research.
They replaced Evans with Ian Gillan.
With new drummer Bob Falgie replacing Evans, they recorded their second album in the fall of 2007.
Former Neighbours star Mark Little replaced Evans on Mondays and Fridays.