A century and a half later, photography has replaced realist painting as the principal means for chronicling daily life.
Starting in the 1960s, the phone replaced door-to-door polling as the preferred means of taking the nation's pulse.
This was a new technique, using "tonal planning" to replace imitation as the means to keep the music moving forward.
This held for most of the 20th century until the computer began replacing the typewriter as the primary means of creating text.
The streetcar line was replaced eventually by buses and automobiles as the main means of transport.
By 1870, it had replaced the horse as the means of traveling short distances; after 1900, the automobile took over.
In the late 19th century, bras replaced the corset as the most widely used means of breast support.
Business has replaced politics as the best means of acquiring and maintaining power, which is, at bottom, a prince's main concern.
A Bill will be introduced to replace private legislation as the means for authorising transport development schemes.
He also said, "The more recent approach is to replace the law, not legal practitioners, as the means of defining negligence".