The overall problem is what is to replace gasoline with the most effective, cost efficient substitute.
Ethanol from farm waste or hempseed oil can replace gasoline.
Much of the increased interest in ethanol as a vehicle fuel is due to its ability to replace gasoline from imported oil.
Buoyancy can be trimmed easily by replacing gasoline with water, which is denser.
There has been considerable debate about how useful bioethanol will be in replacing gasoline.
With a few advances in battery technology and provisions for easy recharging, electricity could begin to replace gasoline to power cars.
California took a major step today toward replacing gasoline with methanol as a fuel for motor vehicles.
Vegetable oil production would have to increase substantially to replace gasoline and diesel.
For this reason, there are growing efforts to replace gasoline with hydrogen.
That, in turn, has focused attention on the fuel that seems to have the best chance of replacing gasoline - ethanol.