Encouraged, she replaced the Testament in its original position.
This, however, I soon replaced in its former position, and then took his paddle away to prevent further accidents.
And, replacing the stone ornament in its former position, he stepped back with a suggestive glance at Father Paul.
The one that had been removed, was now replaced in its former position, by the same hand that had taken it.
The Ohioans withdrew and were replaced in their position by the 15th Kentucky.
It had recently been dislodged then replaced in its original position.
He was replaced in his former position by, among others, Maimonides.
The light moved along the floor and back to the book case, where the dictionary was carefully replaced in its position on the shelf.
Various private documents were examined and then replaced in exactly their original position, but all seemed of no avail.
With deep and reverent awe I replaced the candelabrum in its former position.