"The problem is that the accounting rules are so complex that they have replaced good judgment," he said.
The people's voice is supposed to replace divine judgment as the ultimate yea or nay on the government in power: vox populi, vox dei.
Unless there is some entity to review executive decisons, groundless suspicion will tend to replace reasonable judgment about security risks.
But she says she does not believe that tests should replace human judgment and says that just a couple of her third graders should be retained.
Financial considerations should not replace medical judgment.
Sober threat assessments, he added, could replace "unaided judgment."
Although information can do much to foster debate, it cannot replace judgment.
Though these tools can provide an auditor with a good overview of possible vulnerabilities present, they can not replace human judgment.
Adult content filters put in place by ISPs will never replace good judgment and parental attention.
But should we worry that mathematics is replacing human judgment in the lending industry?