Within the last year, BT has replaced its chairman and chief executive.
The solution is undoubtedly political: replacing their chairman with someone we can talk to.
Hills Department Stores, a large discount chain, yesterday named two men to replace its chairman, president and chief executive.
It also announced that it would replace its chairman and chief executive, Sir Christopher McMahon, the following June.
The Democratic Alliance suffered its worst defeat ever in local elections in November, prompting the party to replace its chairman.
The company was forced to replace both its chairman and its chief executive after the losses were announced.
Flexing political muscle, Mayor Giuliani replaced the board's chairman and appointed two other new members just in time for them to take their seats and vote.
As recently as six months ago Nangi had had to replace Daimyo's chairman, and still the mess was far from being under control.
It also said it would replace its chairman.
Porsche replaced its American chairman, Peter W. Schutz, with the auto maker's finance director.